From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


WWVU is a PBS affiliate in Morgan Town, West Virginia. Its sister affiliate and subdivisary is WNPB, another PBS affiliate that operates in Morgan Town.

1st Logo (1970s)

Visuals: On a black background, there is a yellow tube shape with "WWVU" on the top half and "TV*24" on the bottom half. Below the tube is "COLOR" in light blue and red, green, and blue bars to the right of it.

Technique: A still printed image.

Audio: A muffled orchestral piece with an announcer saying "The following program is a WWVU TV color production."

Availability: Seen on early prints of its shows.

2nd Logo (1973-1984)

Visuals: On a black background, the tube from the previous logo is seen, but everything is now in green. "WWVU" is also the same, but with the 1st "W" in a darker shade of green to match "TV". The "TV" is also moved to the right to make room for "Morgantown West Virginia" stacked between 2 lines. The word "presents" is below the tube.

Technique: A still printed image.

Audio: Either none, or the opening theme.

Availability: Seen on early prints of its shows.

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