Astley Baker Davies is a British animation company founded by Neville Astley, Mark Baker and Phil Davies in January 1994. It was best known for co-producing the 2D-animated educational show Peppa Pig. In 2015, they were acquired by Entertainment One. In 2023, the company became a subsidiary of Hasbro's newly created division Hasbro Entertainment, due to eOne being sold to Lionsgate in December of that year.
The company's association with Peppa Pig, which has been critized for reasons similar to Caillou, has given it a rather infamous reputation.
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Visuals: On a black background, there is an oval with a sphere and an upside-down triangle shape inside. The oval spins a bit, while the company name wrapped around it appears, and the oval stops spinning.
Technique: 2D digital animation most likely done in CelAction2D.
Audio: Squeaking chair/door sounds when the oval spins, and a click when it stops spinning. Otherwise, the ending theme or none.
Audio Variant: On the 2002 pilot of Peppa Pig, the sounds are heard at the same time as the titular character's laugh.