From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum
Thisarticlecovers logos that contain flashing images. Editors should list the timestamps, under the videos where such content occurs.
Compiled by Compooper
E!, formerly known as Entertainment Television, is a cable network whose main focus is on pop culture. Their programming mostly consists of news documentaries and reality shows.
Visuals: There is the print Entertainment Television logo over a black background, with copyright information below.
Variant: A version exists where the text reads "THIS HAS BEEN AN E! ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION PRODUCTION" instead.
Technique: 2D computer animation.
Audio: The end of the show.
Availability: Only seen on Behind the Scenes.
2nd Logo (1993)
Visuals: Over rapidly flashing images of various objects, there is a square with a blue border, containing a pink version of the E! exclamation point logo with a white border. The logo rotates around frame by frame. Copyright info appears in a white box below.
Technique: 2D computer animation.
Audio: The end of the show.
Availability: Only seen on Look Inside Game Shows.
3rd Logo (1994)
Visuals: Over a purple background, there is a rectangle split in half with blue and green colors. At the center, there is a red and yellow version of the Entertainment Television logo with a black dot. Behind the logo is a barely visible star that rotates. Around the border of the rectangle are four smaller squares with images relating to the entertainment industry. They change colors throughout the logo.
Technique: 2D computer animation.
Audio: The end of the show.
Availability: Seen on FYE: Star Trek.
4th Logo (June 1994-1995)
Visuals: The visuals consist of the print Entertainment Television logo fade in, with a copyright notice below.
Technique: 2D computer animation.
Audio: The end of the show.
Availability: Seen on Howard Stern.
5th Logo (1997)
Visuals: A red bordered circle appears, looping between six images of various people, doing various activities. While this is happening, over a white background with several "headlines" that somewhat resemble a newspaper, a yellow curved arrow zooms in and rotates. As the arrow reaches its final position, the Entertainment Television print logo appears, along with copyright info.
Visuals: The Entertainment Television logo and a copyright notice is seen, with them and the background rapidly changing colors throughout the entire logo.
Technique: 2D computer animation.
Audio: The end theme of the show.
Availability: Seen on 1998-2001 episodes of E! True Hollywood Story.
7th Logo (Mid 2001-Mid 2006)
Visuals: A flash of light appears. The light then reduces to a single beam at the center, as the Entertainment Television logo fades in, with a URL below it. Copyright information appears below.
Variant: There is a version without a URL or a copyright notice. It appeared on an ABC special entitled Favorite Stars: Then & Now.
Technique: Simple CGI by Troika Design Group.
Audio: A synth whoosh, with an angelic-like drone which sounds like the choir singing the network's name.
Availability: Seen on 2001-2006 episodes of E! True Hollywood Story.
8th Logo (March 27, 2006-2008)
Visuals: Over a gray background comprised of an array of the letter "E", there are three Entertainment Television logos streaking past us, two of them with a white exclamation point and red letter, and the final one with the normal coloring. The third logo stops just as it gets up-close to the camera, and copyright information fades in.
Variant: There is a version of this on an aqua blue background, with dots throughout the screen. The animation otherwise is identical.
Technique: Simple computer animation by Troika Design Group.
Audio: Three vocalized whooshes, one for each time the logo gets up-close to the camera.
9th Logo (January 1-February 12, 2007)
Visuals: Over a gray gradient background, there is the Entertainment Television logo on the right hand side of the screen, up-close to the camera. Behind it, several outlined clones merge together until they hit the logo at the front. As that happens, the logo forms a ripple effect behind it. This animation loops for the duration of the logo.
Technique: Simple computer animation by Troika Design Group.
Audio: Same as the previous logo.
Availability: Seen on High Maintenance 90210.
10th Logo (2009)
Visuals: On a blue background, two rectangles of slightly different shades slide down behind a large Entertainment Television logo. Copyright information appears in the top left corner, with the year being in a much larger font and in an orange color. Several rectangles then appear and zoom out behind the logo.
Technique: Simple computer animation by Troika Design Group.
Audio: Same as the previous two logos.
Availability: Seen on Streets of Hollywood.
11th Logo (2016-2022)
Visuals: Various white and light blue rectangles move throughout the screen, forming the Entertainment Television logo, and the text "ORIGINAL SERIES". Random letters then flash the light blue color, then turn completely white.
Technique: 2D computer animation.
Audio: A synth pad which echoes throughout.
Availability: Seen on various different E! shows from around the time period, such as Hollywood and Football.
12th Logo (2022-)
Visuals: A pink Entertainment Television logo moves up over a dark brown background. The screen then cuts to pink, with "ORIGINAL" and "SERIES" moving together. A rapid-cut then shows the two text, now white over a black background, moving left towards the Entertainment Television logo from before, forming "E!ORIGINAL SERIES".
Technique: 2D computer animation by Thornberg & Forester, based on the 2022 E! graphics package.
Audio: The end title of the show.
Availability: Seen on most E! programming starting in 2022.