Martindale-Hillier Entertainment

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


This was the production company of game show host Wink Martindale and Bill Hillier.

1st Logo (1992)

Visuals: Over a blue gradient background, the names "Martindale" and "Hillier" (in silver) slide in from opposite sides, while "Productions" (also in silver) flips in below, with the final product looking somewhat like this :



The logo shines.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: The closing theme of the show.

Availability: Only seen on Why Didn't I Think of That?.

2nd Logo (June 7, 1993-1994)

Visuals: Over a black background is the text "A PRODUCTION OF". Then the text disappears to make room for the text "MARTINDALE-HILLIER ENTERTAINMENT", spinning around in a circular motion, along with the letters " M" and "H" (the former stretched vertically, the latter horizontally), moving around. The logo shines and the circle stops spinning.


  • On the UK version of Trivial Pursuit, the logo is in-credit.
  • On later episodes, the logo is on a blue gradient background.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: The end theme of the show.

Availability: Seen on the US and UK versions of Trivial Pursuit.

3rd Logo (March 7, 1994-1995)

Visuals: Over a blue gradient background is the text "A PRODUCTION OF". The text later disappears as the "M" and "H" from before flips in, and the circular text "MARTINDALE-HILLIER ENTERTAINMENT" zooms out. The logo then shines.

Variant: On the UK version of Trivial Pursuit, the logo is in-credit.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: The end theme of the show.

Availability: Seen on the three Family Channel interactive game versions of Boggle, Jumble and Shuffle, as well as later episodes of the UK version of Trivial Pursuit.

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