The IndieProd Company was a film and television production company owned by Daniel Melnick, founded in 1980. Melnick was president of Columbia Pictures after its previous president, David Begelman, was ousted due to an embezzlement scandal, but he eventually left the company after they refused to fund two films he produced, Altered States (which he would take to Warner Bros. Pictures) and All That Jazz (which was funded and then released by 20th Century Fox), starting IndieProd shortly afterwards to directly set up his own features. In 1987, Carolco Pictures acquired IndieProd and closed its television arm in 1990. Eventually, they sold it back to Melnick in 1992, where they continued in production until 1999.
Visuals: On a black background, a white pastel shape etches itself onto the screen. Inside the pastel, it reads:
After a moment, "A Division of Carolco Pictures Inc." fades in below.
Technique: Stop-motion animation.
Audio: The closing theme of the movie.
Availability: Seen on some TV movies, such as The Killing in the Small Town and Babies (1990). This didn't appear on any of their theatrical productions, which just used in-credit notices instead.