Pacific Motion Pictures

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Logo (September 22, 1993-August 13, 2000)

Visuals: There is a yellow star with eight rays, and four opposite rays smaller than others on a water-like sea surface background. The light blue word "P A C I F I C" with two edge letters bigger, is lying over the star. The water ripples and the light blue words "M O T I O N" and "P I C T U R E S" roll into and place themselves up and down.

Variant: Sometimes, the sea surface background is in sepia tone. Plus, the text are in sepia tone as well.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: None. Sometimes, the ending theme of the movie plays over it.

Availability: Seen on a variety of made-for-TV movies from the '90s. Two of those films are In Cold Blood and Incident at Deception Ridge.

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