Erry Vision Films

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Erry Vision Films was Chester Novell Turner, Sr.'s production company that was founded to produce the 1987 shot-on-video horror film Tales from the Quadead Zone.

Logo (1987)

Visuals: On a black background, there are the words "AN ERRY VISION FILM" in a hideously distorted, oddly arranged, salmon-colored font. "ERRY" is curved above "VıSıON" and "FILM" is curved below. A salmon-colored line is shown at the left.

Trivia: Title cards shown before every portion of Tales from the Quadead Zone are made like this logo, but with different colors. The reason is that this was done with cameras (like the Sony XV-T500 Video Superimposer) with the "Memory" feature (which saves a luma-keyed frame and makes it transparent to use on top of another frame or video).

Technique: A still, chroma-keyed image.

Audio: A loud, heavily distorted UFO-like sound and a sound which either sounds like a dog howling over and over or a distorted and garbled version of Tom's scream from Tom and Jerry.

Availability: It only appears on the film Tales from the Quadead Zone. Even in the year it was released, it was hard to find due to the limited amount of VHS copies (original tapes of the film are highly sought after on eBay). Only about 100 of them were ever produced with many of them having been lost or destroyed over the years.

Legacy: This logo is widely considered scary by many people due to it's audio and visuals.

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