
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


This was a division of The Weinstein Company that was formed reportedly for projects of "mutual interest" between the Weinstein brothers. Only two films and one TV series were distributed through the label. The division was more than likely done in by the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

Logo (January 16, 2015-August 24, 2017)

Visuals: On a black background, two blue-cyan spotlights morph to form three lights from one light above, forming an abstract "W". While that happens, the text "TWC" (in the Engravers Gothic font) fades in at the bottom of the three lights and slides to the left to make way for "-DIMENSION" (in the same font). The resulting text reads "TWC-DIMENSION". Afterwards, the lights disappear one at a time with the company name fading last.

Variant: A short variant exists.

Technique: CGI by Kelly Carlton at Intralink Film Graphic Design.

Audio: The music from the movie logo, composed by Nicole Weinstein.

Availability: Only seen on the U.S. release of Paddington and Gold. The short version was seen on the TV version of The Mist.

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