Mushroom Pictures

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Mushroom Pictures was an Australian film production and distribution company that was part of the Mushroom Records group.

1st Logo (February 23-August 3, 2000)

Visuals: There is a skyline of Sydney, Australia, with the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. There are grey clouds in the background, and a river beneath. A helicopter flies to the left of the city. Suddenly, a bright flash occurs and covers the whole screen. When the flash dims out, a mushroom cloud explosion destroys all of the city including the landmarks. Once the city is destroyed, the letter "M" zooms in quickly, and other letters zoom in quickly and form the text "MUSHROOMPICTURES", with "MUSHROOM" in solid white and "PICTURES" in black with surrounding white outlines on each letter. The scene briefly fades to footage of a nuclear explosion at night and cuts to a rapid montage of images (most of them are psychedelic):

  • A rainbow-colored fractal spiral
  • An orange, blue and pink fractal arc
  • A fractal spiral with the shades of blue
  • A weird-looking black and red shape
  • A radially-blurred image of the yellow dandelion
  • Rainbow fractal circles over the blue background
  • A red and yellow background
  • The same fractal spiral with the shades of blue
  • A different orange, blue and pink fractal arc
  • An orange, green, and blue triangle background
  • A rotating starry background with a big star in the middle
  • A radially-blurred image of a rose
  • And radially-blurred footage of a blinking eye

The eye then zooms into the screen quickly, leaving the text "MUSHROOMPICTURES" on a black background.

Technique: 2D and 3D computer animation.

Audio: After we hear a helicopter sound, an abridged version of the suspenseful fanfare "Breakout No. 9" by Jack Trombey from the De Wolfe Music library (also used in Golden Princess Amusement's logo) is heard combined with explosions and whooshes.

Availability: Seen on Chopper and Cut, possibly among other films.

2nd Logo (January 24, 2005)

Visuals: On a snow-covered space background, there is an aurora moving around. A few seconds later, the silver text "MUSHROOMPICTURES" emerges from the aurora identical to the previous logo, save for "PICTURES" which is now thinner

Variant: An extended version exists, where the animation plays as normal but the text doesn't appear right away. Everything fades to black as white particles form the company text.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A bizarre synth tune with distorted buzzing. The extended version includes a series of synth chimes and a cat's purr at the end.

Availability: Seen on Wolf Creek. It's unknown where the extended version was found.

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