Inter-Ocean Films

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Inter-Ocean Film Sales, Ltd. was a film distribution/sales company based in California, founded by producer Arnold Kopelson in 1972.

1st Logo (1980s)

Visuals: On a blue background, there is a radar globe design with "IOF" plastered over it. Above, there is "ENTERTAINMENT FROM" while below, "INTER-OCEAN FILM SALES, LTD."

Technique: A still printed image.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on a British Medusa Communications tape of the film The Surrogate.

2nd Logo (May 25, 1990)

Visuals: On a black background, there is a shining blue radar globe zooming out from under. "IOF" comes from the right side, rotating themselves from vertical to horizontal. Then, "ENTERTAINMENT FROM" above the globe, and "INTER-OCEAN FILMS" under the globe, fade-in together. The globe and the "IOF" shines.

Technique: 2D cel animation.

Audio: Unknown.

Audio Variant: On a Spanish-dub of Fire Birds, it uses the 1985-2003 Touchstone Pictures music, due to sloppy reverse plastering.

Availability: So far, this can be seen on (as aforementioned above) Fire Birds, though most prints uses the Touchstone logo instead.
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