
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Logo (April 1, 2007- )

Visuals: Over a black background, the logo starts with the 3D text "vuguru" and the eucalyptus rectangle from the top left orbiting and zooming out joining together to form the company's logo and then the logo shines afterwards.

Variant: On the official YouTube channel "vugurustudios", the logo's green coloring is brightened up with snow effect, a lens flare effect and a byline with outer glow effect. The bylines on the video include "A NEW KIND OF STUDIO" and "WWW.VUGURU.COM".

Technique: CGI.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on movie titles from the company such as Fetching, Little Women Big Cars, Feels so Good, and The Fuzz and Play Nice.
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