DisneyToon Studios was established in January 2003, when a reorganization of Disney's animation studios resulted in Walt Disney Television Animation's feature animation unit (a merger of "Disney MovieToons" and "Walt Disney Video Premiere"), which had been producing direct-to-video (and occasionally theatrical) sequels to the company's animated classics, spinning off and being made a division of Walt Disney Feature Animation. On June 28, 2018, DisneyToon Studios was shut down, laying off over 75 employees.
Visuals: On a white background, a red oval appears. Mickey Mouse peeks out of the oval, then climbs out of it. He starts to paint the text
with "DiSNEY" in its corporate font and "Toon" and "S T U D I O S" in Cafeteria with different font weights. Mickey goes back into the oval, holds his hands up, and turns into a white silhouette.
Variant: An in-credit version exists, which has the text "PRODUCED BY" above the logo. In this variant, the logo and the oval are white, and Mickey is in a black silhouette.
Technique: Digital ink-and-paint animation. Mickey Mouse was animated by Disney's Andreas Deja while special/visual effects were done by Marvin Petilla.
Audio: An orchestrated theme that accompanies Mickey's actions. This was composed by Joel McNeely. The in-credit variant uses the ending theme of the movie.
Availability: Seen at the end of all of their films from The Lion King 1½ to Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue.
Visuals: On a black background, a spotlight at the top of the screen rotates counterclockwise to reveal a parchment background as the light shines through it (a la the Walt Disney Animation Studios logo), on which "DiSNEY" is printed in its usual corporate font used in the 2006 Walt Disney Pictures logo. The word "Toon", in a similar font, is then wiped in next to the name by a small sprinkling of fairy dust, and then the word "S T U D I O S" in a plain font fades in below, and continues to slowly zoom in until the logo fades out.
Technique: CGI.
Audio: A calming violin piece, with sparkly sound effects accompanying the on-screen fairy dust. Composed by Mark Mancina and David Metzger.
Audio Variants:
Availability: Seen on the final films from the company before its closure, from Secret of the Wings to Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast.
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