With the U.S. Manga Corps and Anime 18 logos
Central Park Media Corporation (often simplified to Central Park Media, and abbreviated to CPM) was a relatively well-known anime and manga company founded in April 11, 1990 by John O'Donnell, headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, on the corner of Central Park. It was one of the first companies (along with AnimEigo, U.S. Renditions, Streamline Pictures and ADV Films) to release uncut anime in the United States. They did very well in the 1990s and early 2000s (even serving as distributor for AnimEigo, U.S. Renditions, ADV Films, and Right Stuf Inc. at one point in the early '90s), but they closed on April 27, 2009. Today, some Central Park Media titles have been relicensed by different companies, such as Media Blasters, Discotek Media and Viz Media.
Visuals: It starts with a stylized olive green New York City skyline on a black background, then, a light blue gradient background (which is supposed to be the sky) fades in from behind the skyline. Below the skyline, the beige words "CENTRAL PARK" in Gill Sans Bold fly in from the right and the word "MEDIA" in the same font and color spins up from the bottom.
Technique: 2D computer animation.
Audio: Crickets chirping for the first half of the logo; then sounds of car horns and a jackhammer.
Audio Variant: The remastered version added additional traffic sounds.
Availability: It made its debut on early prints of Dominion Tank Police: Volume 1, distributed by BMG Video.
On May 26th, 2006, CPM had laid off many of their employees. They laid dormant until April 27th, 2009, when they filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and liquidated with a debt of over $1.2 million.