Draft:UPN Kids

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

(Redirected from UPN Kids)


1st Logo (1995-1999)

Visuals: A circle shaped mouse goes into the round shaped hole and then a snap noise occurs, then a square shaped mouse goes into the square hole and a triangle mouse goes into the triangle hole. Then the camera passes through the triangle hole to see that the circle, triangle and square are all hooked by mouse traps while glowing like neon lights.

Technique: Stop motion animation.

Audio: Unknown

2nd Logo (1995-1999)

Visuals: The three UPN logo pieces appear, running around, bumping into each other and doing flips. They then settle down in the correct order yelling at each other until the "U" piece bumps into the "P" piece telling it to shut up.

Technique: Unknown

Audio: Unknown

3rd Logo (1995-1999)

Visuals: A yellow robot appears saying "UPN" while it shows yellow static; then a blue robot appears saying "UPN" while its head switches faces; then a red robot appears saying "UPN" whilethunder appears; then the three robots appear all saying "UPN" and they turn into the 1995 UPN Logo and then the logo blast off.

Technique: Unknown

Audio: Unknown

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