Marc Brown Studios

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


This is the vanity plate of Arthur creator Marc Brown. None of his vanity plates ever appeared on the Arthur show itself; they were only regulated to specials and series spin-offs.

1st Logo (September 12, 2000-September 2, 2002)

Visuals: Essentially just the words "MARC BROWN STUDIOS" in red on a black background.

Variant: On Arthur: It's Only Rock 'n' Roll, the logo fades into a white background.

Technique: A still, digital graphic.

Audio: The closing theme of the special.

Availability: Seen on Arthur's Perfect Christmas and Arthur: It's Only Rock 'n' Roll.

2nd Logo (October 11, 2004-February 25, 2012)

Visuals: On a black background, there is a yellow rounded rectangle in the center of the screen with the words


in it, in the same font as before in blue.

Technique: A still, digital graphic.

Audio: The closing theme of the show.

Availability: Seen on Postcards from Buster. Brown also created the Max original series Hop; it's currently unknown if that show carries a logo.

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