Catapult Productions
Doctorine Dark
Catapult Productions Inc. was founded in 1992 for the purpose of creating entertainment using computer character animation. Catapult co-owns Studio 345, a computer animation studio in downtown Toronto where Monster By Mistake was produced.
1st Logo (October 26, 1996)
Visuals: On a dark orange colored background with a purple line running from the bottom right, there are the words "Catapult PRODUCTIONS INC." as the word "Catapult" bends backwards and flings forward before resetting itself.
Technique: 2D digital animation.
Audio: The closing theme of the show.
Availability: Only seen on the pilot episode of Monster By Mistake.
2nd Logo (September 6, 1999-March 23, 2003)
Visuals: On a blue background with a blurry person, there is a golden circle appearing and the same person we saw in the background before, in the circle, his arm preparing to throw. The words appear "CATAPULT" one-by-one and "PRODUCTIONS" fades in and the green line draws in the middle.
Technique: 2D digital animation.
Audio: The closing theme of the show.
Availability: Seen on Monster By Mistake.