
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


The Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (often shortened in Western languages as Kanoon, from the Persian romanization Kanoon-e Parvaresh-e Ferki-e) is an Iranian institution established in 1965 by Farah Diba and Leyli Amir Arjmand. The organization was notable for establishing as the center of Iran's most renowned artists and filmmakers, including Abbas Kiarostami and Majid Majidi.

1st Logo (November 17, 1969-)

Visuals: Over a black background is multiple colored lines with varying shapes and two copies following them panning from different sections of the screen to form a stylized bird on two hills. Following this, the company's name "Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults presents" in Farsi and a stacked format fades in underneath.

Standard Variants:

  • Sometimes, the outline and text are tinted yellow.
  • In the logo's early years, it was in black and white.
  • On a Life and Nothing More... and Shangool and Mangool, the logo is blue.
  • Starting in 2003, the logo was enhanced where the lines leave computer animated trails, displaying them with more transparency and blur.
  • On Yade Khoda, the logo is superimposed into the end credits and the text has been reworded to solely state the company name.
  • On Am I a Wolf?, the company name in English and Comic Sans is shown alongside "presents" underneath.

In-Credit Variants: An in-credit variant exists where the logo is filled white and the text "Produced by the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults" as well as copyright year appear underneath.

  • Sometimes, "Produced by" is removed.
  • Sometimes, the company name is shown in one row.
  • In some cases, the copyright year is aligned to the left.
  • The logo is shrunken on several films.
  • Sometimes, the copyright year is removed.
  • The copyright year may be extended to read "Year of production (year)"
  • In some cases, the company's English name is displayed.
  • The logo may retain its outline-only appearance like in the standard variants.
  • On high contrast backgrounds, the logo and text are black.
  • On The Bread and Alley, the logo is to the right of the text "Presented by the Institute". The rest of the lines include the rest of the company's name.
  • On The Experience, "Produced by" appears underneath the logo.
  • On Rangha, the logo is seen on a chalkboard with the logo and text in orange. The bird drawing is shown first and then the company name.
  • On First Graders, the logo is a hot pink outline.
  • On Malek Khorshid, the logo appears within a scroll.
  • On Children of Heaven, if one looks closely, very small marks are seen underneath the logo.
  • On The Most Beautiful Song, the logo is black and the rest of the text is in white with a black outline.
  • On The Playmate, the logo is glossy and contains a burst effect.
  • On Shangoul and Mangoul, the logo is seen on a carpet with the logo in a mixture of gold and green, the company name in red, and the copyright year in blue.
  • The Story of Panirak contains a more stylized version of the bird drawing.
  • On There Was the Moon and the Fox, the logo and the company name in English are red and said name in Farsi is white.
  • On The Story of Apple, the logo is underneath the company's name and over the copyright year.
  • On The Sparrow and the Boll, the logo and the company name in Farsi are displayed above a thin white bar and the company name in English as well as the copyright year in the decimal numeral system.
  • On Root in Sky, the logo, company name, and year of production are individually shown within rounded pieces of paper.
  • On Farmer Duck, the bird is facing more downwards.
  • On Dear Friend and Delicious Companion, there is a golden version of the logo accompanied by the company name in red.

Technique: Scanimate.

Audio: A dramatic string piece.

Availability: Seen on various Persian short and feature length films, live-action or animated, over the course of over 50 years.

  • The logo made its first appearance on Amoo Sibilou whereas the in-credit variant debuted on The Bread and Alley.
  • However, the on-screen variant is less common, due to many releases going straight to the opening scene or plastering by foreign distributors on international prints.
  • The opening variant can be found on a German release of Life and Nothing More....
  • It can also be seen on some of Abbas Kiarostami's movies before the mid-1990's such as aforementioned film, So Can I, Solution, and Rangha.
  • The enhanced variant debuted on A Flower for Maryam and the original variant was last seen on Farmer Duck.
  • The former variant has been seen plastering the latter on many late 2000's prints of animated short films such as One is Not Enough.
  • The in-credit variant is more common and intact on modern American prints of Children of Heaven and the Criterion Collection DVD release of Close-Up.

2nd Logo (2003)

Visuals: On a black background, the logo from before fades in with a burst effect slowly moves towards different directions. After several seconds, the burst zooms in and fades into the logo where we see the same bird image but filled in and text reading the company's name in Farsi then in English and lastly the year in both the latter and former languages respectively.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: The ending theme of the film.

Availability: Only seen on Mahsa.

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