BBC English

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

1st Logo (1986?)

Visuals: Just a rounded rectangular border with "BBC English" inside it in a rounded font. A gap in the border holds the words "by television".

Technique: A still, computerized graphic with cross-dissolve transitions.

Audio: None.

Availability: It is known to have appeared on older prints of Muzzy in Gondoland.

2nd Logo (1990-1992)

Visuals: On a black background, a wall of parallelograms fills the screen, coloured in a repeating pattern of red, green, and blue. The top half of the pattern then slide to the right to be perpendicular with each other, and 5 of the top rows rapidly spin around to reveal the 1988 BBC logo split across 5 planes. The unchanged blocks and the top row then all slide away as the layers of the BBC logo condense into themselves, and then the camera slowly zooms into the logo. The bottom half of the parallelogram wall then extrudes out as the camera zooms in, and when they zoom past the camera, they leave behind the italicised text "ENGLISH" in Futura, angled the same as with the BBC logo.

Technique: CGI animation.

Audio: An warbling synth, ending with a cymbal crash and more powerful synths.

Audio Variant: Sometimes, an ascending six-note techno theme with tribal drums and trumpets, would play instead.

Availability: Seen at the beginning of BBC English VHS tapes such as the BBC Essential English series.

3rd Logo (1997)

See Vektor Multimedia.

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