American Home Video
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum
Descriptions by
Michael Bass
Video captures courtesy of
Michael Bass
Video captures courtesy of
Logo (1987)
Visuals: On a white background, there is a large red-and-white striped "V" zoom in. Crossing with the inside of the large "V" is a smaller upside-down "V" that is light blue and has an eagle's head on top. The logo is meant to look like an eagle with a light blue head, hence the light blue "V", and red-and-white wings, hence the red-and-white "V", Right below the light blue "V" and overlapping with the red-and-white "V" is the text "AMERICAN HOME VIDEO" with lines on top and bottom.
Technique: Camera-controlled animation.
Audio: None.
Availability: Seen on VHS releases of the theatrical movies Secret Honor and Warrior Queen, and the TV movie Whodunit?