Portal:Production Logos/Home Entertainment Logos/pagetable/Miscellaneous (North America)
Karl-Lorimar Home Video
James Fabiano, Sean Beard, and Matt A.}
Captures by
Eric S., Dean Stewart Rumsey, and others
Editions by
Mr. Logo Lord, Nathan B. and Michael Kenchington
Video captures courtesy of
LogicSmash, DudeThatLogo
In 1984, television producer and syndicator Lorimar Productions acquired Stuart Karl's Karl Home Video and renamed it Karl-Lorimar Home Video. It expanded to include recent titles from the Lorimar Film Entertainment catalog, which had previously been issued by USA Home Video, CBS Video (through MGM/CBS Home Video) and later CBS/Fox Video, who retained the home video rights to the pre-1984 library until Lorimar-Telepictures was acquired by Warner Bros. in 1989, as well as agreements with VCL, Carey Home Video and De Laurentiis Entertainment Group. In 1985, the label grew itself with the launch of family-friendly labels Kideo Video (in partnership with DIC Entertainment and LBS Communications) and Scholastic-Lorimar Home Video (in partnership with Scholastic Productions).
In 1986, they rebranded as KLV-TV, designed to mimic the look and feel of a television station. In 1987, Karl resigned due to disputes with his superiors and the label became Lorimar Home Video.
1st Logo (1985-1987)
Visuals: On a black background, parts of the bottom of a giant "K" slide up from the bottom of the screen, segmented and getting smaller with each piece, and the top half (in whole) flips up afterward. After, the K glows orange and gains a much thicker outline. The logo then zooms out, and the words "KΛRL · LORIMΛR" (in the Lorimar font) and "H O M E---V I D E O" in a rounded font, in spaced-out letters, slide in. The entire logo also uses a lighter color scheme than in the Karl Home Video logo.
- A still version exists, which was seen on ABC's Fun Fit with Mary Lou Retton.
- At the start of Jane Fonda's Workout videos, only the text is shown above in-credit disclaimers.
Technique: Computer effects.
Audio: None.
- This logo can be seen on later Jane Fonda's Workout releases and Americathon.
- Like Karl, though, Karl-Lorimar releases may be reprinted in the original box but instead use the WHV "Cheesy Shield" logo with the Warner Communications byline followed by the Lorimar Home Video logo, like the 1988 VHS reprint of The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh (that still uses the 1985 box).
2nd Logo (3rd logo prototype) (1985-1986)
Visuals: On a black background, the white text "KΛRL · LORIMΛR" in the Lorimar font swoops in with yellow and orange bars below them, and the text "HOME VIDEO" right next to the bars. The logo stops near the bottom of the screen.
Technique: Computer effects.
Audio: None.
Availability: Seen on VHS reissues of Jane Fonda's Workout videos, plastering the original Karl Video logos.
- It is also seen on original Kideo Video releases, including M.A.S.K.
- It can also be found on the 1986 UK VHS releases of Care Bears To The Rescue and GoBots from The Video Collection, respectively.
3rd Logo (1986-1987)
Visuals: A multi-colored line of yellow/orange/red/blue sweeps onto a black background. It straightens out, and sets itself down at the bottom of the screen as "HOME VIDEO" appears. Then a whole mess of gray dust collects and converges above the "HOME VIDEO" bar, forming the "KΛRL · LORIMΛR" logo in a 3D effect. Then, to give it a shiny look, little stars sparkle at the letter's edges in time with the "ding... ding... ding..." fade-out of the music.
Variant: An earlier version exists, where the logo is in brighter (yellow and orange) and darker (red, blue and silver) colors.
Technique: CGI.
Audio: A long synthesized sweep brings in the bar, and after the dust forms the logo, a four-note synth melody plays. The music closes with a "ding... ding... ding..." fade-out.
Audio Variant: A silent variant exists.
- This logo can be seen on VHS releases from 1986 to 1987, such as several Jane Fonda workout tapes, titles from Carrey Home Video and VCL, Clifford's Sing-Along Adventure, American Anthem, Crimes of the Heart, Blue Velvet, The Cradle Will Fall, Mae West, The Boy Who Could Fly, Power, Max Headroom: The Origin Story, Hard Knox, Mazes and Monsters, Scream for Help, My Beautiful Landrette, Maximum Overdrive, Manhunter and Warren Miller's Guide to Skiing.
- The silent variant of this logo is preserved on Kideo Video titles.
- One of the last tapes with the logo contained the Lorimar Home Video logo on the packaging.
Karl-Lorimar Home Video |