Cartoon On-Air
Cartoon On-Air (also known as Cartoon Network On-Air Productions and Cartoon On-Air Productions) was an on-air division of Cartoon Network, founded in 1995. It created short-form material, broadcast design packages, advertising, promos, idents and motion graphics for the network and its sister channel Boomerang. The company quietly went defunct in 2005.
Logo (2001)
Visuals: On a black background, a cyan line slides in from the left, stopping at the right to form the "CARTOON" (with "ON" in cyan) word from the 1992-2004 Cartoon Network logo with the "AIR" on it. After that, the white line slides in from the right, the text "stunts packaging advertising short form." (also in cyan color) types in underneath the line, and the turquoise ripples from the 1999-2018 Cartoon Network Productions endtag appear.
Technique: 2D computer animation.
Audio: A sound of a whoosh accompanied by a noise that sounds like ripping throughout, followed by a slide whistle, the sounds of the computer keyboard typing, and a boing with Fred Jones from the Scooby-Doo franchise (voiced by Frank Welker) saying "Yeah!".
Availability: Seen on three DVD volumes of The Best of Cartoon On-Air, which consists of classic CN promos, commentaries and behind the scenes.