Draft:Animal Planet

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

(Redirected from Animal Planet)


Animal Planet is an American television channel owned by Warner Bros. Discovery. Originally focused on more educationally-based television shows about wildlife, the network has featured more reality programming since 2008. It is available throughout the United States, as well as in over 70 countries around the world.

1st ID (February 3, 2008-February 27, 2012)

Visuals: There are different variants for each ident, ending with the "ANIMAL PLANET" text with the "M" omitted.

  • Horse: Unknown
  • Lion: There is a close-up of a lion's eye.
  • Ostrich: Unknown
  • Whale: Unknown
  • Baboon: Unknown
  • Elephant: Unknown
  • Indian Elephant: Unknown
  • Kittens: Unknown

Trivia: These idents were done by Milton & Mordue and Harvey Glen.

Technique: Depends on the variant.

Audio: Depends on the variant.

2nd ID (February 27, 2012-September 2013)

Visuals: Unknown.

Trivia: Unknown.

Technique: Depends on the variant.

Audio: Depends on the variant.

3rd ID (September 2013-October 2018)

Visuals: Unknown.

Variant: The text is translated internationally.

Trivia: Unknown.

Technique: Depends on the variant.

Audio: Depends on the variant.

4th ID (2018-)

Visuals: In an almost-white background, an icon of an elephant changes textures from patterns in animals. The logo turns blue after some time while zooming out to reveal "animal planet" below.

Variant: Unknown.

Trivia: Unknown. The logo was designed by Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv.

Technique: 2D animation.

Audio: Sounds corresponding to the environment in the texture. Once the logo turns blue, a horn is played, mimicking the trumpet of an elephant. Composed by Zelig Sound.

Availability: Unknown. [Examples?]

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