Cartoon Cartoons is a collective name used by Cartoon Network for its fifteen original animated television series that premiered between 1996 and 2003. They were produced by Hanna-Barbera and/or Cartoon Network Studios, with smaller studios like A.K.A. Cartoon, Kinofilm, Stretch Films, and Curious Pictures focusing on individual projects. The Cartoon Cartoon moniker was first introduced in 1997, and went through various incarnations before being fully phased out by 2008.
Visuals: The 1992-2004 Cartoon Network logo is on a green swirly background with beaming turquoise circles. It zooms through the "NETWORK" part of the logo, which changes into the word "CARTOON" letter by letter, then the logo explodes and zooms out slowly. An iris out is seen after the explosion, which closes like an eye.
Technique: Digital 2D animation. This and the next logos were designed by Primal Screen, who created some of the PBS Kids logos.
Audio: A silly cartoony jazz sounder with "Boing!" sounds in the middle, with drums at the end with a male voice-over (which is different each time the intro appears) saying "Cartoon Cartoon!". Composed by Stephen Mank.
Audio Trivia: The last seven notes of the theme (but without the voice over) were later used for the 1999-2018 Cartoon Network Productions Ripple endtag.
Audio Variant: At the end of each Cartoon Cartoon, only the last seven notes of the Cartoon Cartoons theme is heard, followed by a combined voice-over of all voice-overs saying "Cartoon Cartoon!".
Availability: The outro is still retained on the Cow and Chicken episode "Meet Lance Sackless" and the Dexter's Laboratory episode "Dexter and Computress Get Mandark/The Justice Friends: Pain in the Mouth/Dexter Vs. Santa's Claws" on Boomerang, with it appearing on the latter show's episode as late as 2018.
Visuals: Same as before, but there are differences. The background is spiraly blue with beaming turquoise circles and rays. After a few seconds, the CN logo zooms forward, extruding letters when it thrusts forward. This is followed by red and yellow ribbons curling to form a cursive "Cartoon", followed by the letters in "CARTOONS" zooming out one by one (the "OO" zooms out together). A character from the following show pops out of the first "O" in "CARTOONS" and says "Cartoon Cartoons!".
Character Variants:
Other Variants:
Technique: Digital 2D animation from the previous logo. Made by Primal Screen.
Audio: Same as the previous logo; it also includes the characters' dialogue at the end.
Audio Variants:
Visuals: Over a white background, the Powerpuff Girls float on the top right, while a red worm-like object creeps in from the left. Blossom charges towards it and gets stuck, with Buttercup following suit a second later. Bubbles frees them by kicking the space between where they are stuck, and the screen zooms out, revealing the red "worm" to be part of a cursive "Cartoon", except the "n" is not completely formed (which Bubbles easily fixes by punching it). From the bottom, Blossom flies up with the word "CART", and Buttercup does the same with "OONS". Blossom and Buttercup slam the two segments together, with the same background as the previous logo when the logo is formed.
Technique: Digital 2D animation from the previous two logos. Again made by Primal Screen.
Audio: The music from the previous two logos (albeit edited slightly), mixed with squeeze and punch sounds.
Availability: This was likely only seen during The Powerpuff Girls on weekends and Cartoon Cartoon blocks. It was also only ever seen a few times and Cartoon Cartoon Fridays/Weekend airings of the show removed it.
Visuals: On a black background, the Cartoon Network logo zooms out with blue circles coming from the center of the screen. Then, the letters that make up the Cartoon Network logo flash by rapidly one-by-one. Colored squares with Cartoon Cartoon characters in them spiral out, followed by four squares filling the four corners of the screen (this may or may not feature characters from the upcoming show). The ribbons from the 2nd logo (except they are two different shades of blue) then curve and spiral until passing the screen to reveal colored squares moving up and down like a soundbar (with characters inside them). The boxes then disappear and the Cartoon Cartoons (singular logo) logo on a dark blue oval and a light blue circle with an "f" and "FRIDAYS" (or a "w" and "WEEKEND") in it merge from the left and right respectively. Blue circles emerge once they merge and a character from the next show pops out of the second "O" in "CARTOON" and says "Cartoon Cartoon Fridays!" or "Cartoon Cartoon Weekend!".
Character Variants: Same as the 2nd logo.
Other Variants:
Technique: Digital 2D animation from the previous three logos. Once again made by Primal Screen.
Audio: A fast-paced techno remix version of the Cartoon Cartoons theme followed by the character's dialogue. Composed by Michael Kohler and Stephen Mank.
Audio Variants:
Visuals: At various shots of the CN City (likely it supposed to be the City of Townsville from The Powerpuff Girls), 2 translucent yellow and red ribbons fly around the city in various different shots, panning as they twist all around the city. After a series of rapid-fire cuts through the city, it then cuts to just above the city as the ribbons form a outline of the Cartoon Cartoon (singular version) logo in a rapid-fire cut fashion. After the outline is finished, it thrusts forwards with a trail effect before the full logo comes slamming into place so quickly, it shakes violently for a second. The logo then sparkles.
Technique: A combination of CGI and traditional cel animation designed by Animal Logic, who worked on Cartoon Network's "CN City" branding from 2004-2006.
Audio: A remixed version of the Cartoon Cartoons theme, followed by Nikki (voiced by Nicole Vicius) saying "Cartoon Cartoon!". Starting in 2006, an unidentified male announcer says the phrase. Composed by Matt Fletcher for Elias Arts.
Availability: Only seen on the 2005 revival of The Cartoon Cartoon Show.
In 2007, Cartoon Network's fall branding allegedly had no intro of The Cartoon Cartoon Show and cut straight to the cartoons while the block continued to air until June 21, 2008.
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