Discovery Channel Multimedia
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OneMagazine and Dison
Discovery Channel Multimedia was an interactive division of Discovery Channel, which was used throughout the 1990's.
1st Logo (1994-Early 1996)
Visuals: On a dark background, a flipping CD flies in and settles in the bottom of the screen. The CD turns into a semicircular red sun, and the Discovery Channel name fades in around it, forming a plain CGI version of the 1987-1995 The Discovery Channel logo.
Technique: CGI.
Audio: The same tribal theme used in The Discovery Channel idents at the time, with the beginning part looped a few times.
Availability: Seen on Operation Weather Disaster and Big Job.
2nd Logo (March 31, 1996-1997)
Visuals: On a dark background, a sequence of texts in different languages appears in rapid succession, all saying "EXPLORE YOUR WORLD" (Discovery Channel's slogan at the time). The languages follow in this order:
- Spanish: "DESCUBRIENDO EL MUNDO" (Discovering the World)
- Arabian: "تعرفي على العالم حولك" (Learn about the World around You)
- French: "REGARDS SUR LE MONDE" (Views on the World)
- Portuguese: "DESCOBRINDO O MUNDO" (Discovering the World)
- German: "AUF ENTDECKUNGSKURS" (On discovery course)
- Hebrew: "העולם אצלך בבית" (The World in your house)
- Italian: "SCOPRIRE E CONOCERE" (Discover and know)
- Indonesian: "JENDELA DUNIA ANDA" (Your Window on the World)
- Norweigan: "SLIPP VERDEN INN" (Release the World In)
- Japanese: "探険、 ふしきの世界" (Explore the mysterious World)
- Danish: "LÆR VERDEN AT KENDE" (Getting the World to know)
- Dutch: "BRENGT DE WERELD BIJ JE THUIS" (Bring the World at your home)
After "EXPLORE YOUR WORLD", five mulberry circles of ascending size surround the "O" in "EXPLORE", with a red dot moving on the fourth circle (representing an electron). "EXPLORE YOUR WORLD" fades out and the circles fade to a CD, then a compass, and finally the Earth with the Discovery Channel name around it. Finally, "MULTIMEDIA" flies in below the logo with a red line behind the globe.
Technique: Mostly 2D computer animation with some CGI effects.
Audio: A dark piano melody, followed by some technological sounds (i.e. beeps and synth sizzles), which ends with a 3-note synth piano fanfare (a standard music cue used by Discovery Channel at the time).
Availability: It can be seen on Savage: The Ultimate Quest for Survival, Byzantine: The Betrayal, Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life and Invention Studio.