David Modell Productions

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


This is David Modell's production company.

1st Logo (May 6, 2004-June 21, 2016)

Visuals: The logo simply consists of the following text:

David Model

Variant: On The Secret Life of a Bus Garage, this logo shares the screen with the 2013 ITV logo.

Technique: A still, digital graphic.

Audio: The ending theme of the programme or none.

Availability: It appears on the Dispatches documentaries "Keep Them Out" and "In God's Name" as well as The Secret Life of a Bus Garage.

2nd Logo (October 15, 2020-)

Visuals: The company name is in a stacked, capitalized and white color whose font is set to Lucida Grande.

Technique: A still, digital graphic.

Audio: The ending theme of the programme or none.

Availability: The logo appears on the Exposure documentary "Hunting the People Smuggler".

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