Kanal X

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Kanal X (Channel X in English) was a pirate television broadcast station from Leipzig, East Germany. The station operated between the years of 1990 and 1992.

Test Card (May 1990)

Visuals: This test card consists of a still image of a color test card containing the letters "K A N A L X" at the bottom side.

Technique: A still computer graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen at the start of broadcasts by Kanal X at the time.

Logo (1991)

Visuals: Over a white background, the text "KANXL" is shown at the center. Below the "X" is the tilted letter "a", and below the "KAN" is the small stacked text "LOKALER FERNSEHSENDER LEIPZIG - INTERNATIONAL"

Technique: A still computer graphic.

Audio: None.

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