Guerrilla Games

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Guerrilla Games is a Dutch video game development studio based in Amsterdam. The studio was originally founded as Lost Boys Games in January 2000 by Hermen Hulst and Arjan Brussee, before being re-established as Guerrilla in 2003. The studio is best known for the Killzone and Horizon series for PlayStation consoles. Guerrilla would be purchased by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2005, and is currently part of the PlayStation Studios group.

1st Logo (September 3-November 2, 2004)

Visuals: There is a cubic, stylized "G" symbol beside the name "GUERRILLA" in modified Authority Regular. "DEVELOPED BY" is seen above, with the byline "GUERRILLA IS A MEDIA REPUBLIC COMPANY" below it all.


  • On ShellShock: Nam '67, the logo is gold.
  • On Killzone, the logo is gray with white lines of light scanning over it.

Technique: A still 2D graphic.

Audio: On ShellShock: Nam '67, a menacing wind sting. On Killzone, none.

Availability: Seen on ShellShock: Nam '67 for PS2, Xbox and PC, and Killzone for PS2.

2nd Logo (October 31, 2006-)

Visuals: Same as the previous logo, except this time including only the "G" symbol.


  • Killzone: Liberation: "Developed by Guerrilla" is seen below the symbol.
  • Killzone 2: The camera moves through a spinning matrix of futuristic, gray-orange bars which stop in the middle of the screen to form the G in dark gray, which then is covered by gold splatters of paint. The logo dissipates back into pieces while zooming toward the camera.
  • Killzone 3: The Sony Computer Entertainment notice flickers to a red CRT and becomes a range of indecipherable symbols (assumedly the language of the Helghast, the rival empire from the Killzone series). Several bars of text are seen passing by before a log-in screen pops up, with the logo of the Helghan empire notably visible at the top. A password is entered, and the animation from the Killzone 2 variant plays (this time tinted red, and with several visual glitches).
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn: The text "GUERRILLA" is seen below the G, in addition to a trademark symbol (™) next to it.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: None or the opening theme of the game.

Audio Variants:

  • Killzone 2: A soft choir, alongside dialogue by the Helghast leader Emperor Visari, continuing into the game's intro cutscene ("My people, sons and daughters of Helghan, this much I vow...")
  • Killzone 3: A somber, depressing orchestral score.

Availability: Seen on Guerrilla games since Killzone: Liberation on PSP.

Lost Boys Games
Guerrilla Games
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