Video Treasures (Warning Screen)

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Screen (1990-1998)

Visuals: On a rocky, black and white Video Treasures wallpaper background are the words "FBI WARNING" (with "FBI" in large, tall letters and in Folio) with the FBI logo next to it. Under it is the FBI Warning text below in Arial:
Federal law provides severe civil and
criminal penalties for the unauthorized
reproduction, distribution or exhibition
of copyrighted motion pictures, video
tapes or video discs. Criminal copyright
infringement is investigated by the
FBI and may constitute a felony with a
maximum penalty of up to five years in
prison and/or a $250,000 fine.

Trivia: This is a variation of the 1984 20th Century Home Entertainment FBI warning.

Technique: A still, computerized graphic.

Audio: None.


  • It can be found on every VHS release from the Video Treasures era since early 1990. [Examples?]
  • However, it does not appear on Video Treasures releases distributed by Media Home Entertainment; those releases feature Media's FBI warning screen instead.
  • Also, it can be intact on 1997-1998 VHS releases from the Anchor Bay Entertainment era, including Zombie.
  • Also appears on 1995-1996 releases by Starmaker Entertainment, such as the Anchor Bay VHS releases of Prom Night and Dawn of the Dead.
Video Treasures
Anchor Bay Entertainment
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