2 Entertain (Warning Screen)
Editions by
Screen (September 2005-)
Visuals: On a black background, there is the following text in blue:
This 2 entertain DVD Video, including all its contents
and packaging, is protected by UK and international
copyright laws.
This DVD Video may only be shown in private
homes and must not be shown to the general public
or to fee paying audiences.
Any unauthorised broadcast, public performance,
copying, hire, internet use or other distribution of all
or any part of this DVD Video is prohibited and may
result in legal proceedings.
- On VHS releases, the text is bold and "DVD Video" is replaced with "VHS Videogram".
- On Blu-ray releases, "optical disc" replaces "DVD Video", and the entire screen fades in and out.
- On BBC Studios Home Entertainment releases, the text is purple.
Technique: A digital graphic. The Blu-ray variant also has cross-dissolve transitions.
Audio: None.
Availability: Seen on most 2 Entertain DVD and Blu-ray releases, as well as few VHS releases from the company. Such titles include Doctor Who, Shaun the Sheep and Thomas & Friends, among others.