Form Records (Warning Screen)

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

1st Warning (1990s)

Visuals: On a black background, there is a red square with "WARNING" in it. Below, this text scrolls up: The copyright proprietors have licensed the cinematograph film, sound recording and packaging artwork contained in this videocassette for private home use only. All other rights are reserved.

Any unauthorised use including but not limited to copying, editing, lending, exchanging, renting, hiring, exhibiting, public performance, radio or television broadcasting or any other diffusion, or otherwise dealing with this video cassette or any part thereof is strictly prohibited.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on a few Singaporean VHS released by Form Records. [Examples?]

3nd Warning (1990s)

Visuals: There is the red circle contains the white square with the text "WARNING" and a few texts:

The Unauthorised Reproduction, Broadcasting, Screening, Public Performance Of, Or Renting Of This Disc Is Prohibited By Law.

A Chinese translation follows.

Technique: A still graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Same as the previous warning. [Examples?]

3rd Warning (2000s)

Visuals: Over a black background, the logo starts with the big red words "WARNING". Under it is the another English words:

Malaysian Law Enforces Severe Civil And Criminal Penalties For The Unauthorised Reproduction, Public Viewing, Distributon And Exhibition Of Copyrighted Motion Pictures And Videotapes Copyright Act 1987
The Ministry Of Trade Will Investigate Allegations Of Criminal Copyright

And cuts to the Malay translation of this warning screen:

Pitavideo Ini Dilindungi Oleh Undang Undang Hakcipta, Undang Undang Malaysia Hukuman Jenayah Yang Berat Terhadap Sebarang Bhan Hakcipta Pitavideo Ini Tanpa Kebenaran Pemilik Hakcipta.
(Akta Hakcipta 1987)
Tribunal Hakcipta Akan Menyiasat Sebarang Tuduhan Perncerobohan Hakcipta

Technique: A still graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on several current Malaysian and Singaporean VCDs released by Form Records, such of the reissues of the early volumes of "ABC English for Childen."

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