CBC International Sales

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


CBC International Sales was the international sales division of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. On December 19, 2007, it was sold to British distribution company ContentFilm through its Fireworks International division.

1st Logo (1992-1996)

Visuals: On a silver cloudy background, ripples start to form in the center of the screen, as well smaller ripples forming around the perimeter of it in the upper left and bottom right sections. The ripples start to intensify as the CBC logo in silver rises from the surface and then shines. The following white text fades in at the bottom of the screen:

Distributed by
CBC (CBC logo) International Sales

This is basically a modified version of the 1992 CBC Home Video logo.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: The music from the 1992 CBC bumper, but without an announcer.

Availability: Seen at the end of international prints of CBC shows and movies from the time, such as BBC Canada prints of Street Legal.

2nd Logo (October 3, 1996-1998)

Visuals: Over a shining water background, some ripples form a blue CBC logo accompanied by the stacked text placed below:

distributed by

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
International Sales


This is basically a modified version of the 1996 CBC Productions logo.


  • A copyright stamp variant exists.
  • An alternate version has the text "Canadian Broadcasting Corporation" with the CBC symbol above it.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: None.

Availability: Appeared at the end of Travels with Mom.

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