TV Globo (1965-1966)
Video captures courtesy of
LiquidWave and Victor Luiz Channel
1st Logo (1965)
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Visuals: On what looks like a piece of cardboard with the 1965 Rede Globo logo on its left side, there is a rounded square with the text "Canal 4". The camera zooms in on the square.
Technique: Camera-controlled animation.
Audio: None.
Availability: Can only be found on old prints. It's possibly a placeholder for the 2nd logo.
2nd Logo (April 26?, 1965-1966)
This logo is currently missing in action. Please do not add reconstructions of the logo if any exist, as they are likely not accurate to the actual logo. Additionally, do not attempt to add a finalized description of the logo until it has been found in its entirety. |
NOTE: The video does not show the exact logo that Globo used at the time, but rather an affiliate. The logo is otherwise the same, minus "Canal 4" being replaced with "Canal 2, and "TV GLOBO" being replaced with "TV BAURU".
Visuals: There is the 1965 Rede Globo logo in the right corner of the screen, with black rays shooting out from it. "TV GLOBO CANAL 4" is seen on the left.
Technique: A still graphic.
Audio: A tense string theme (reminiscent of the theme from The Twilight Zone) with an announcer who says "Canal 2, Cada Vez Mais Perto de você." (Channel 2, always getting closer to you.). The announcer has a booming sound to his voice, almost like it's being shouted through a megaphone. Of course, in the version Rede Globo used, the announcer would say "Canal 4" instead.
Availability: Only remakes can be found on Youtube.
TV Globo (1965-1966) |