Video Cassette Recordings

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

1st Logo (1979?-Early 1980s)

Visuals: The sequence blurs on a golden background with some glitter moving with the text "VCR PRESENTS".

Technique: Cel footage.

Audio: The opening theme of the video.

Availability: Unknown.

2nd Logo (1980-1985)

Visuals: Over a black background, there is the text "VCR" and a four-colored segment triangle. Between it, there are the texts "Produced by" and "VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDINGS, INC.".

Technique: A still computer graphic.

Audio: The opening theme of the video.

Availability: Unknown.

3rd Logo (1984-1985)

Visuals: On a black background with various ellipsed circles, there is the following text in red:

Video Cassette
Recording Company

Technique: A still computer graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Unknown.

4th Logo (1985)

Visuals: On a movie footage, there is the following text in red, with any animation:

Video Cassette Recording

Technique: Live-action footage with computer generated text.

Audio: The opening theme of the movie.

Availability: Only seen in “Shaved”.

5th Logo (1985)

Visuals: The screen zooms out from the top with the 3D text "VCR" in chrome. Below it, there is the text "PRESENTS".

Technique: Cel footage.

Audio: The opening theme of the video.

Availability: Unknown.

6th Logo (1986)

Visuals: On a pink background, there is the following text:




Technique: A still computer graphic.

Audio: The opening theme of the video.

Availability: Only seen on Sensual Seductions.

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