Torque Engine

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Torque Game Builder and its improvements were developed by GarageGames on the base of original Torque developed by Dynamix in 2001. It's used mainly by independent developers for middle-sized games.

Logo (January 25, 2006?-)

Visuals: On a light gray background, there are three interlocking red letter T's with black text reading "TORQUE GAME BUILDER" and a red tail on the letter Q, in a futuristic font.


  • On some games, the logo is stacked on the same background as the 2006 GarageGames logo, with black text reading "POWERED BY" between two red triangles.
    • On Marble Blast Ultra, the text reads "TORQUE SHADER ENGINE" instead and a red triangle is added underneath the "A". After a few seconds, the "POWERED BY" text pops up above the logo, instead in a gray color and in a different font.

Technique: A still, computerized graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Appears on almost every game using the modified Torque Builder. The "Torque Shader Engine" variant appears on Marble Blast Ultra.

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