Tình Productions

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Tình Productions was a Vietnamese-language music video company from United States.


Visuals: A camera zooms in in a cinema hall to a screen with an Asian romantic film scene. The screen soon morphs into a red word "Tình" with a blue music note leaving a hole in a red heart shape. A blue steel oval is shown below with a magenta word "PRODUCTIONS" in it. The whole logo slightly zooms out, and flashes yellow. A light in the aforementioned hole soon appears.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A 4-note majestic fanfare to start out, which is followed by a blob sound. When the logo flashes, we hear a gong, and when the hole does, we can hear a high-pitched beep and a short whoosh.

Availability: Seen on Tinh Dac Biet Karaoke MTV 05: Mua Phi Truong.

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