Stargate Interactive

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Logo (1994)

Visuals: On a space background, several lights quickly zoom past the screen while a blue star with a long left hand zooms away. Continuing to zoom out, "STARGATE" is revealed as the star aligns itself with the second "A" and a light scrolls along it from left to right. Once it reaches the star's center, it flashes and bursts into stardust. Underneath the company name, an orange ball of light scrolls to the right and reveals "Entertainment" in a cursive-like font and really long arms for the "t"'s. The light reflection on the company name slides to the right as the ball of light continues to fly off-screen.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A synth crescendo that gets louder, finishing off with a low explosion and a majestic note.

Availability: Was spotted in Bug Blasters: The Exterminators for the Sega CD, originally made in 1994 although not officially released until 2000.

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