Sony PCL

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Sony PCL Inc. is a Japanese subsidiary of Sony primarily engaged in the post-production of film and video content. It was originally founded in 1950 as Photo Chemical Laboratory Co., Ltd.. In 1970, the company joined the Sony Group and changed to its current name.

Logo (2004-)

Visuals: On a dimly white background, multiple white squares appear moving in groups, with some growing in size, as two lines, one moving from the left and curving towards the bottom twice, and another moving from the bottom to the top, appear. The blue text "Sony PCL" fades in at the center, and the white shapes fade out.

Technique: Computer animation.

Audio: An ambient synth theme.

Availability: Seen on several DVDs, including the original release of the anime Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku o!.

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