Shun Yee Film Company
2K-tan and Dr Cow Andrew
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Video captures courtesy of
Barner Cluster and Moe Szyslak/dire398
Shun Yee Film Company was a film company from Hong Kong.
1st (known) Logo (September 19, 1956-1965)
Visuals: On a black and white starfield, a small glowing star is seen on the center. It then quickly zooms in and shoots small ranged beams. The camera then does a sudden zoom-in to the star and stops. The beams of the star then stop vanishing. It all stays still for a second before the screen fades into the zooming Chinese and English names, the English one being "SHUN YEE FILM CO.", and cursive "Presents" below them. The text stays there on the star background before the screen fades out.
Technique: Cel animation.
Audio: Starts with a dramatic bell theme, followed by three loud orchestra hits. The last hit then fades into a heroic, almost Fox-like triumphant fanfare, which is a stock piece also used by Tien Nan Film Co.
Availability: This was found on their films during the 1950s such as Wu Song's Bloody Fight on Lion's Bower and Valuable False Daughter.
2nd Logo (December 21, 1967-1970s)
Visuals: On a dark blue background is the star from before standing on the upper side of the screen, but glowing with still rays. Suddenly, the texts, which translate to "SHUN YEE" on yellow with red shades, appear over the star. The yellow text in Chinese appears in middle-bottom of the star, with some red Chinese characters more on the bottom of the screen, or below the star. The company's name now gets traduced to English, with "Shun Yee Film Co. Presents" on white, being on middle of the star, and "SHUN YEE SCOPE" at the same font as the two Chinese characters, on yellow with red shadows, appear on the bottom of the background. The sequence then fades to black.
Technique: Cel animation.
Audio: A dramatic fanfare almost reminiscent of the first logo, which segues into a happy-sounding fanfare.
Availability: It's hard to tell where it come from, but it may could be released on films during the 60's or the 70's such as Blood Stains the Iron Fist.