Pipe Dream Interactive

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Pipe Dream was formed in 1999 as an internal development unit of Majesco Sales, Inc. (later Majesco Entertainment) comprising of ex-Morning Star Multimedia employees. The company quietly seized operations in late 2001.

1st Logo (May 9-November 20, 2000)

Visuals: Over a cloudy blue skies, a metal pipe is seen screwing into another pipe. Then the construction begin to zoom-out and rotate 90 degrees, and we seen "PIPE DREAM" (made of pipes of course) arranged with a right angle, and sharing one letter as "M" and "E". There's the word "INTERACTIVE" folding letter-by-letter below. The logo shines. then dissolves in a flash.


  • On Rainbow 6 for Dreamcast, the logo was still with "INTERACTIVE" stretched.
  • There was a Game Boy version with the non-pipe white letters and the logo encapsulated in an orange box. It had a Majesco byline.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: Sound of screwing tubes, a "CLANG!" sound followed by a jet take-off sound, some "CLANG!" sounds in timing with "INTERACTIVE" with an electric buzzing sound in the background, ending with an explosion sound.

Availability: Used in Rainbow 6 (still) and both Q*Bertand Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (animated) for Dreamcast.

2nd Logo (December 8, 2000)

Visuals: On a black background, there is a cloudy box. On the cloudy box, there are the words "PIPE" and "DREAM" in the same font as the Field Communications logo, except that the "M" is actually "E" turned 90 degrees. The logo is surrounded by an orange box on a black background, with "interactive" over the orange box. The byline "A MAJESCO, INC. COMPANY" is down below.

Technique: A still sprite-based graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Only seen on M&M's Mini Madness.

3rd Logo (August 13-December 1, 2001)

Visuals: On a blue background, there are two (very stylized) silver letters "p and d" connected to the two crescent arcs with a blue glow. Below is "pipedream interactive" in an angular font, also in silver with a blue glow.

Technique: A still digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: The logo is short-lived, as it was seen on only two games Fortress and M&M's Blast.

4th Logo (September 2-19, 2001)

Visuals: There are two (very stylized) letters p and d connected to the two crescent arcs. Below is "pipedream interactive" in an angular font. The whole logo is silver.

Variant: On F-14 Tomcat, the screen zooms out from the aforementioned symbol in the darkness with some blue lights moving, the rest is unknown.

Technique: A still sprite-based graphic or zooming out from the symbol and the company name appearing in F-14 Tomcat.

Audio: None.

Audio Variant: On F-14 Tomcat, the swoosh followed by another, which is just the first one, except in reverse, and the synth explosion sound, while the techno music plays in the background

Availability: Seen on F-14 Tomcat and Caesar's Palace Advance: Millennium Gold Edition for Game Boy Advance.

5th Logo (November 11, 2001)

Visuals: There are two pieces of the "pd" symbol from before. Then it flashes and we reveal the "pipedream INTERACTIVE" text from before fading in.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: Two whoosh sounds.

Availability: Seen on Soldier of Fortune: Gold Edition for PlayStation 2.

6th Logo (December 6, 2001)

Visuals: There is the "pd" symbol from the previous logo zooming out and panning from the camera. Then we see the text "pipedream" zooming out letter by letter. The words "INTERACTIVE" pans down from below Then it flashes and the logo shines. The camera pans down in the reverse way, and we see the outline of the Majesco logo. Then it turns to the normal full color Majesco logo.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: Same as the 3rd logo, but with more of the music is heard and we hear whoosh sounds as the text fly in.

Availability: Seen on the PlayStation 2 port of Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force.

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