Piki Films

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Piki Films is a New Zealand film and distributing company based in Auckland, founded by Taika Waititi (who would later form a sole company, Waititi) and Carthew Neal. The company name means "jump" or "climb over" in the Māori language.

Logo (May 2, 2013-)

Visuals: Over a black background is the text "Piki" in a stylised grainy font without its dots. Then, they come from the left and right respectively, bouncing and forming the name. Below that is "FILMS" wiping in to the right, as the logo zooms in.

Variant: A still in-credit version exists. This lacks the "FILMS" text.

Technique: Computer animation.

Audio: None or the opening/closing theme.

Availability: First seen on the Aroha Bridge shorts, and later appeared on Hunt for the Wilderpeople, The Breaker Upperers, and Baby Done.

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