Panasonic (Commercial Tags)/Japan

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

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1st Tag (1998-2002)

Visuals: On a dark blue blurry background that looks like a motherboard zooming in, the glowing letters of the blue "Panasonic" logo appear from the center spreading out into position while slightly zooming back. The letters can be seen overlapping each other and glowing in different hues. The white text "What's New", along with the smaller "by" in a line below it, fades in above the logo. The background turns into plain dark blue, and the Panasonic logo turns into plain white.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A 5-note quick synth jingle, and the "Panasonic" voice.

Availability: Seen at the end of Japanese Panasonic commercials, including those for their TV and audio player products.

2nd Tag (2002-2004)

Visuals: On a black background are multiple blue rings moving horizontally while the URL "" is shown zooming out at the center. Some of the rings then shrink in size rapidly as others begin doing the same in a slower fashion. A yellow flare then quickly pans at the center of the screen and brings up the "Panasonic" logo. All the rings then fade out on the background, with only the logo being intact.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: Two high-pitched bell notes with some quiet whoosing, followed by the "Panasonic" voice.

Availability: Seen at the end of Japanese Panasonic commercials, notably those featuring J-pop singer Ayumi Hamasaki.

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