PBL Productions

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


PBL Productions was a production company established as an offshoot of the Nine Network. The company is named for the network's then-parent, Publishing and Broadcasting Limited, owned by Australian businessman Kerry Packer

Logo (1980s)

Visuals: A wireframe globe with only Australia flies into the center of the screen. Then a spiral pattern reminiscent of the Microsoft Edge logo emerges from the globe. As this design "glows" from behind, the words

PBL Productions

fly in with a typical 80s trail effect. The text then shines as the logo fades out.

Technique: Oxberry and 2D effects.

Audio: A bright, triumphant synth fanfare

Availability: Can be seen on A Fortunate Life both on DVD and Amazon Prime prints. Can also be found on Double Sculls alongside the MTM logo.

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