Louis Rudolph Productions
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum
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LogicSmash, Broken Saw
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LogicSmash, Broken Saw
Logo (May 27, 1985-October 17, 1988)
Visuals: On a black background, there is a blue words with a little white outline that reads, "LOUIS RUDOLPH." There is two lines between "L" and "H." Inside the lines is the word "PRODUCTIONS."
Variant: Same, but two lines inside is the color purple. "PRODUCTIONS" is replaced by "FILMS, INC.," which comes in to the left. The words appear at the bottom, "IN ASSOCIATION WITH."
Technique: None. For the variant, the words coming in.
Audio: The closing theme of the show or the movie.
Availability: Seen on Deceptions, Double Standard, and Jenny's War.