Dr. Goor Productions

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


This is the vanity plate of Dan Goor.

Logo (April 21, 2011-)

Visuals: On a sky blue background is a cartoon doctor with one hand in his pocket, and the other holding a syringe. The company name appears around him in a childish font, with "Dr. Goor" on the top left and "Productions" on the bottom right. The doctor then shushes and his face goes from smiling to suspicious.

Variant: Sometimes on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, the logo is shown next to the 3 Arts Entertainment logo. In this variant, the picture and animation are further away and squished, and the doctor's legs may either be cut off or completed at the bottom.

Technique: Computer animation.

Audio: Just Dan Goor saying, "Not a doctor. Shh."

Audio Variants:

  • On the Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode "Yippie Kayak", the laser sound from the Fremulon logo (instead of the "Shh!" sound) plays over due to an editing error (maybe it was intentional).
  • On the Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode "Terry Kitties", the "Shh!" sound is replaced by a kitty meowing.
  • On the Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode "99", the "Shh!" sound is replaced by a man growling.

Availability: Seen on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Grand Crew and Killing It. Also seen on failed pilot of Family Practice.

Legacy: It's a favorite among Brooklyn Nine-Nine fans.

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