Daewon Animation Ltd.

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Daewon Media Co., Ltd. is a South Korean animation company founded in 1973. It was originally known until 2000 as Daewon Productions, and until 2007 as Daewon C&A Holdings.

Logo (September 19-December 12, 2009)

Visuals: On a black background, some pencil lines form an architect-like styled drawing of a red round square that contains a circle, and the stacked text "DAE WON" in black. Then, the square spins around and moves slightly up, leaving the text still; and while the square gets colored, the text "DAEWON MEDIA" appears. Finally, a radial transition changes the black background into white, revealing the completed logo.

Technique: 2D digital animation.

Audio: The closing theme.

Availability: Only seen on Noonbory and the Super Seven.

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