CESA (Warning Screens)
Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association (CESA) is a Japanese organization that was established in 1996 to "promote the computer entertainment industry...with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of Japanese industry as well as to the further enrichment of people's lifestyles.". CESA is located in Tokyo, Japan. Its current chairman is Haruhiro Tsujimoto, the president of Capcom. The Executive Managing Director is Tsutomu Masuda.
Screen (2010-)
Visuals: Over a black (2010-20??) or white (20??-present) background, the logo starts with Japanese warning text in the center. It looks like this:
ゲームソフトを権利者の許諾なく、インターネットを通じて配 信、配号する行為、また、違法なインターネット配信と知りな がらダウンロードする行為は法律で固く禁じられております。 みなさまのご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。 |
- A English translation is used on international version of SNK-published games. It looks like this:
Technique: Fade animation.
Audio: None.
Availability: Seen on most Japanese video game releases from 2010 onwards like The King of Fighters XIV.