Bonnie Raskin Productions

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


This is Bonnie Raskin's vanity plate.

1st Logo (March 9-May 25, 1988)

Visuals: The company name, sandwiched between two lines and with "in association with" below, is superimposed over the end credits.

Technique: A still, live-action shot with computerized editing.

Audio: The end theme.

Availability: Seen only on Aaron's Way.

2nd Logo (December 8, 1992-March 7, 2004)

Visuals: There is live-action footage of a child's hand holding mint ice cream on a deformed cone against a purple wall. The ice cream falls off the cone onto a off-screen floor and the company name (with "a" added to the name and "Productions" replaced by "Production") appears with "in association with" below it.


  • On Her Last Chance (with the exception of Lifetime Network airings), the text is superimposed over a black background and the logo is still.
  • A still version of the first scene exists on America's Prince: The John F. Kennedy Story, with the text now seen and in a different font.

Technique: Live-action. On America's Prince: The John F. Kennedy Story, a still photograph.

Audio: Initially, a young girl laughing is heard before the ice cream falls, followed by the same girl groaning. Starting in 1994, another young girl says "Mommy..." before the ice cream falls, followed by the same girl saying "...not again!" instead. Also, a thud is heard when the ice cream falls to the floor on both versions. NBC airings use a generic theme, but the "Mommy..." and "...not again!" remain intact (albeit muffled).

Audio Variants:

  • On Her Last Chance (with the exception of Lifetime Network airings), none.
  • On I've Been Waiting for You, the end theme plays.

Availability: Seen mostly on made-for-TV movies such as She Fought Alone.

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