
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Banpresto (formerly Coreland and Hoei International) was originally formed in 1977 to manufacture arcade cabinets for other companies, and five years later, became a contract company for Sega. In the late 1980s, it established a partnership with Bandai and in 1989, it was renamed to Banpresto to get into the arcade market. The company stopped video game production in 2008 and it was folded into Namco Bandai Games.

Logo (September 8, 1990-December 17, 2009)

Visuals: On a white background, there is the text "BANPRESTO" and a black mask underneath.

Technique: A sprite animated graphic.

Audio: None or the opening theme of the game.

Availability: Seen on many games by the company, such as the Super Robot Taisen series, the Ultraman Fighting Evolution series, the Summon Night series, the Dragon Ball Z arcade game series, the Ar Tonelico series, Godzilla, Super Spacefortress Macross and Macross Plus.

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