World's End Productions

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

1st Logo (May 3, 1999-2000)

Visuals: The screen zooms out of a globe, which is shown to be inside a brown telescope's lens while against a white background. The telescope spins to the left at around 405 degrees, or more than a full rotation. Underneath it is the company name in a stacked format, serif font, and "Productions" italicized. It is already formed and zooms out in-sync with the telescope. Underneath it, the copyright notice fades in.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A loud whoosh, followed by creaking sounds from the telescope.

Audio Variant: On Goin' Down to South Park, there is a three note synth horn theme. During the third note, a fast paced drum solo plays before being interrupted by a record scratch.

Availability: This logo can be seen on The Johnny Vaughan Film Show and Goin' Down to South Park, which has this logo intact on its VHS release.

2nd Logo (September 23, 2000-Deecmber 16, 2003)

Visuals: Inside a panoramic view of outer space with cool-tinted space dust on the right, there is a rectangular white outline on the left. A white light gradually expands while two planets zoom in and pass by on the left and right sides of the box. A vertical white box types in the company name excluding "productions". As the light dies down, a white planet is seen next to "world's" and two planets on the right freeze in place.


  • On Channel 4 co-productions, said company's 1999 logo appears next to World's End's.
  • On Johnny Vaughan Tonight, an in-credit variant is used where the logo is cropped and the background is shifted more towards the left.

Technique: 2D animation.

Audio: An eerie, three-note science fiction chimes sting with zaps at the beginning.

Availability: It appears on Adam and Joe's American Adventure, Our Toon, and Johnny Vaughan Tonight.

3rd Logo (July 3, 2004-December 9, 2010)

Visuals: On a white background, the company name in a steel blue color appears in the same transition as last time. In between the words are two circles: the former in gray and the latter in cerulean and a bigger size. On the right side, two blue circles, the farthest of which is royal blue and both with a white-blue outline, fly past the logo. The left side has a white outlined circle in the same animation as the right circles except sharply zooming to the left after the logo finishes typing in. At this moment, the royal blue circle is completely behind the pure blue one.


  • An in-credit variant exists.
  • On Katy Brand VS, a split-screen variant shifts the normal logo towards the left.

Technique: 2D animation.

Audio: The ending theme of the programme.

Availability: It can be seen on Katy Brand's Big *ss Show and Katy Brand VS, among their other later programs before going defunct around 2010. The in-credit variant was seen on Top Buzzer.

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