Vision Video Ltd. (Warning Screens)
American Warning Screens
Screen (1983-1986)
Same as the 1st RLJE Films warning at the time.
Availability: Seen on a VHS of Lady in White.
British Warning Screens
1st Warning (1982-1984)
Visuals: Same as the blue background variant of the Palace Video warning.
Technique: A still computer graphic.
Audio: None.
Availability: Might have been seen on the very first Virgin Video tapes. One of these is the UK pre-cert tape of The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle.
2nd Warning (1984-1997)
Visuals: On a blue background is the following white text:
- On laserdiscs, the text is in a different font, and it was more smoother. Also, "video disc" replaces "video- cassette".
- Starting in 1992, the background is black. Early Vision Video Ltd. tapes featured the text in a golden Times New Roman font.
Technique: A still computer graphic.
Audio: None, although on some Virgin Music Video tapes, the start of the music for that logo plays as the warning fades out.
Availability: Seen on some Virgin Video and Vision Video Ltd. in the UK from 1984-1997, such as Harry Hill: First Class Scamp and various Billy Connolly and Eddie Izzard videos.
3rd Warning (1992-2003)
Same as the PolyGram and Universal warning screens at the time.
German Warning Screen
Screen (1990's)
Visuals: On a black background is the following text:
© [year] VVL Filmvertriebs-GmbH
Diese Kassette ist nur für private Vor-
führungen bestimmt. Alle Urheber-
und Leistungsschutzrechte vorbehal-
ten. Verleih, Vermietung, Tausch oder
Rückkauf sowie öffentliche Vorführung,
Sendung und Vervielfältigung sind
nicht gestattet. Zuwiderhandlungen
werden zivil-strafrechtlich verfolgt.
Technique: A still computer graphic.
Audio: None.
Availability: Unknown. [Examples?]